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Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Love that girl

Erin O'Connor on how to get through London Fashion Week

I can’t get through fashion week without pair of flip flops: you need to let your feet breathe in between wearing high heels. And when it gets cold I wear thick socks and Birkenstocks. I always carry around a packet of mints, because champagne does weird things to your breath.


Anonymous said...

Flipflops? I used to think that if I could do one thing in my life and feel as if I had done something good and true, I would rid the world of flipflops. Then someone invented Crocs. If I looked like this girl, I would never wear flipflops. Ever. If I wanted something that was more relaxing for my feet, I'd wear ballet flats in a zillion colors, complete with squared-off toes. But Flipflops? OMG.
As an aside, all the photos I saw on the Times site showed people wearing hats..all kinds of hats. Bravo. I love hats (collect, make and restore them also)and feel that a lot has been lost in terms of charm and elegance in the loss of people's wearing them on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

So why does she have to wear a crummy shower cap?