Because you can't have depths without surfaces.
Linda Grant, thinking about clothes, books and other matters.
Pure Collection Ltd.
Net-a-porter UK

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Apropos of nothing

courtesy of Dave Hill


Anonymous said...

I'm old enough to remember Joe Namath having his picture taken in pantihose, so this is no big deal.

Thomas said...

This picture makes me feel bad about myself. Luckily, I've also heard Mr. Beckham speak...

lagatta said...

Is Becks now advertising for those "enhancement pills"?

Ms Baroque said...

I know, doesn't it just crack you up??

Anonymous said...

LOL...his crotch is STUFFED. Isn't it obvious?

Elizabeth said...

oh who cares if it's apropos of nothing.

It's delightful!

60GoingOn16 said...

Heavens above - or should that be below? I almost choked on my cappuccino . . . .

Anonymous said...

"Vicki, Honey - those shoes are too much. It's just a pool party."


Anonymous said...

I'm all for a nice upper body, but Mr. Beckham, do you know how to spell OVERRATED?