Because you can't have depths without surfaces.
Linda Grant, thinking about clothes, books and other matters.
Pure Collection Ltd.
Net-a-porter UK

Saturday 14 February 2009

Patrica Field ad nauseam

Does Patricia Field have to style every fashion film?


Geraldine Ryan said...

Lovin' the mutton dressed as lamb look.

Anonymous said...

Strange woman - basically I think she is attractive. She has a lovely face, strong profile, and I even like her dyed hair. But why does she insist on wearing such badly fitting tarty clothes? I guess 30 years ago she looked pretty good in them and has stuck with the style. If she kept her face and hair and toned down her dress sense to a more classic look, she would be great.

She is living proof that there is a vast difference between fashion design and costume design. Some fashion designers successfully dip into costume design from time to time, but it rarely works the other way.

Anonymous said...

How 'bout we get Hillary Alexander to style a movie? Shoot, the woman knows everything.

elegancemaison said...

Of course Patricia Field is a bit in your face USA style but curiously in many ways she adheres to the classic French style of not matching your accessories. I have been gently reprimanded many times in Parisian and regional French fashion boutiques for attempting to match up all my accessories. Apparently it's not chic to do so. So I don't try so hard any more. What freedom to go mad. I love it!

Susan said...

Did I spot Kristin Scott Thomas in the video? Perhaps she could give Pat Field some style tips?

Anonymous said...

The Devil Wears Prada was a great fashion film; but now that Pat Field has become her own film franchise it's getting as tiresome as all of those movies based on Marvel Comics.

Anonymous said...

It took me 6 months to accumulate the three hours neccessary to finish that book. Somehow I imagined Rebecca in a mix Jigsaw and clever office assistant clothes from the higher end of high street. At a journalist salary with no home equity to draw on that combination of clothing choice should bankrupt the character quickly enough. Obsessive show off Italian labels would have stonewalled her credit card in the first chapter.
This movie irks just looking at the trailer. It reminds me of a drunk screeching Aretha at a karaoke bar.

Anonymous said...

Patricia Field's taste is not mine -- I prefer more delicate patterns and think that the character is dressed too old.

More important, I can never get over the silliness of films like this and SITC.

Why do women see these films?

Isla Fisher's character is acting like a crazed idiot. That's supposed to be cute?

Having supported them, why do they wonder that women aren't taken seriously?

I am not uninterested in style and clothing construction, but movies and style videos like that give me a headache.

dana said...

Does anyone dress like this anymore? I can't think of a single soul.

TheSundayBest said...

Never underestimate Hollywood's ability to find a talented person and then run that person's talent into the ground until we all cry for mercy.