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Linda Grant, thinking about clothes, books and other matters.
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Wednesday, 14 November 2007

The boundaries between art and dress

I'm very busy today, so will leave you with this piece from the Telegraph earlier year

In 1935 the 22-year-old Meret Oppenheim was studying art in Paris when her Jewish father (a friend of the psychoanalyst Carl Jung, whose ideas led the young art student into surrealism) was forced to leave Nazi Germany and could no longer support his daughter financially. Needing to earn her own living, she decided to collaborate with the fashion world and made a fur bracelet for Schiaparelli, whose belief that haute couture should make the everyday extraordinary meant she was the ideal partner for a surrealist. For Schiaparelli all fashion was a metamorphosis - a dress could become a painting and a shoe could become a hat. When Oppenheim showed the bracelet to Picasso in a café, he remarked that anything could be covered in fur. Oppenheim agreed, pointing to a cup and saucer on the table, and went on to design the fur teacup and spoon that is one of surrealism's most famous works.

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