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Thursday 27 November 2008

Mumbai: alert

Thoughtful Dresser contributor Harry Fenton's son and girlfriend were staying in the Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai during the ongoing terrorist attacks. His son has been seriously injured. Harry is going to Mumbai later today. Any helpful information will be gratefully received

UPDATE I had always been under the impression that if you were in this situation you rang the Foreign Office number the BBC gave out and everything kicked in, including BA sorting out your flights. As I have now discovered, you ring the number, and someone gives you another number which no-one answers. You're on your own.

UPDATE Thanks to all readers who have sent their messages to Harry which he's read and which are greatly appreciated. Things have been ironed out now and he'll be on his way to Mumbai in a few hours. We should have more to report in a day or two.


Susan B said...

I'll keep them in my thoughts and prayers.

Tiah said...

Thoughts and prayers for Harry and his family.

Anonymous said...

What every parent with a kid overseas dreads. Prayers for Harry and his family.

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with Henry, his son and son's girlfriend. My brother lives in Thailand, where there is some unrest but nothing to the extent of Mumbai. Scott has friends there, but he is unable to get through to anyone. One of his employees is there now; if we here anything (useful) I will post it.

Again, our prayers are with Henry, is son and girlfriend.


Anonymous said...

Someone put up an Google spreadsheet with a list of people in hospitals in Mumbai (
And you can find more information on
Don't know what else to say - I hope Harry's son & girlfriend are okay.

Anonymous said...

All blessings to you and your family, Harry.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with them.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is horrible. The whole thing is horrible.

Do hope all will be well and Harry's son fully recovers.

Anonymous said...

Sending healing thoughts around the globe, from Montana to India.

K.Line said...

So so sorry to hear this. I'll be giving them my positive thoughts.

Cal said...

Oh my goodness, no. So sorry. In my thoughts and prayers.

I've been to Mumbai a couple of times in the last year - great city, this is terrible news.

Fashion for Aliens said...

This is horrible. Will keep Harry and his family in my thoughts A.

Anonymous said...

It might help to try to contact one of the Commonwealth consulates or embassies if you cannot reach help through the British embassy. We've had news come from the Australian embassy once, after my parents callled.

Anonymous said...

The news from Mumbai is horrible. My thoughts are with Harry and his son and all the other families affected by this terrible event.

Miss Cavendish said...

Oh--this is awful. I'll be thinking about Harry and his family and sending them all good thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Try Mumbai Help
Best wishes

Robo said...

How horrible...hopefully Harry and his family are fine. Thoughts and prayers to them and everyone else affected.

Anonymous said...

I wish there was something practical I could do to help.
Just prayers for a speedy reunion and recovery.

George S said...

My best wishes to Harry. I do hope his son is going to be all right.

I know the Taj a little and Clarissa and I were eating in The Leopold last year.

Anonymous said...

I don't think much, and I don't pray, but I'm willing everything to be alright for Harry and his son, and his family.

The news from Mumbai is just horrific.

Cindy said...

My thoughts are with Harry and family during this tragic time.

Belle de Ville said...

I wish Harry and his family Godspeed to join his son, and for a quick return to England and a total recovery for his son and for his son's girlfriend.

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