Because you can't have depths without surfaces.
Linda Grant, thinking about clothes, books and other matters.
Pure Collection Ltd.
Net-a-porter UK

Wednesday 2 April 2008

Trussed up

Apparently some women have a hard time dressing down:

Slader also suggests looking at the choices made by women in the public eye to assess what works. "Twiggy looks great in her white linen trousers," she says, "but Helen Mirren, who looks fabulous on the red carpet, tries to be too vampy in black leather when she's dressing down. Kristin Scott Thomas looks classic in jeans and a simple shirt, but Victoria Beckham is bad at dressing casually - those wedge trainers she wore in LA recently were ridiculous. Sienna and Savannah Miller always look lovely in natural fabrics."


At 4.04 am this morning, this site received its one hundred thousandth visitor.

I started The Thoughtful Dresser at the end of October 2007, not really knowing whether I would keep it up for even a month. It has been a fantastic discipline for me to find something to say or to point out every day (travel and holidays allowing) and a total delight to discover that so many intelligent people are interested, like me, in clothes. I know you come from universities, large corporations, government departments, and embassies. I know you come from every country in the world which has easy access to the internet. I know some of you come from countries where women's lives are severely restricted and for whom sites like this one are the only opportunity to talk and think about clothes.

I have almost never had to moderate comments. You have made superb contributions. Thank you for coming and for making this site what is for me a small but ever fascinating success.

My thanks to all of you.