It's what, on this side of the Atlantic, could be called the washed out Boden look. Probably borrowed wholesale in some of the smarter London postcodes ( we Brits are nothing if not impressionable) from the east coast of the USA.
Deck shoes and no socks. Distressed chinos. And a faded short sleeved shirt.
There is a message. And it goes something like this: the family has a house in Cornwall ( the Hamptons). We summer there. I am only temporarily in the city. I can't be bothered to change. And that's because really, if you take away the Porsche Cayenne, I'm just a surf dude.
Which, I reckon, is the same as the flip flop tendency. Which, unwittingly, is possibly trying to say: if you take away the
Oyster card, I'm actually an Australian.