Because you can't have depths without surfaces.
Linda Grant, thinking about clothes, books and other matters.
Pure Collection Ltd.
Net-a-porter UK

Saturday 9 February 2008


mine is purple

Without intending to, I bought this LK Bennett tweed jacket on Thursday, when I went out to pick up my new contact lenses. I got it in purple. I wore it Thursday night while being poisoned by Sardinian red wine, and I wore it at my publisher's lunch for me on Friday. It has been much admired. I always thought LK Bennett was a bit home counties for my taste, a more sophisticated Boden, home of the kitten heel and all that, but in this case, I think it came good. I wore it with the Jaeger dress.

Shoes in battle

Thank you Eamonn for sending me this fine photograph taken by Gerda Taro, Robert Capa's girlfriend and fellow snapper-in-arms during the Spanish Civil War. It's captioned, 'A photograph of a woman in Barcelona, Spain training for a Republican militia in August 1936, taken by Gerda Taro. '

Apologies for the lack of content

I seem to have been poisoned by a bottle of bad wine on Thursday night and am still recovering.

Reports on Jaeger's first London Fashion Week catwalk show and the Ossie Clark relaunch coming up